immune boost

Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Our previous blog post focused on How to Boost Your Immune System, but you now know that one of those tips is a nutrient-dense, healthy diet. So, you might be asking, what kind are the foods to boost your immune system?

Here are 10 foods that are great for your immune system, year-round:

  1. Citrus: I feel like this is the most obvious, but it’s a MUCH better option than a vitamin-C supplement. Include Oranges, Lemons, Limes and Grapefruits as a regular part of your diet.

  2. Red Bell Peppers: Most might believe that oranges have the most vitamin-C, but they would be wrong. Red bell’s have more than double the amount of vitamin-C than an orange!

  3. Ginger: an inflammation killer. Inflammation is a major immune response, and ginger can help reduce the inflammation in the body, which helps reduce the stress on the body and the immune system.

  4. Turmeric: very similar to ginger, turmeric is a major player in the inflammatory process.

  5. Green Tea: green tea is packed with flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that helps enhance the immune function

  6. Yogurt: we talked about how keeping up the microbiome is an important part of the immune system, and one way you can do that is with yogurt. You need live cultures, like in Greek yogurt in order for it to work the way it should

  7. Spinach: yes, it’s also packed with vitamin C, but it’s also packed with lots of antioxidants with infection-fighting ability. It’s at its best when it’s not cooked. All the nutrients are in tact.

  8. Garlic: garlic is packed with antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. They are rich in antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals in the body.

  9. Broccoli: 1 cup of broccoli provides the same amount of vitamin C as an orange. It also contains a few of the needed B vitamins and some other needed minerals that support the immune system functioning.

  10. Sweet Potatoes: they contain a TON of vitamin A and about 30% of the daily recommended vitamin C needed. Plus, they have a good amount of fiber. It’s like you’re getting a 3 for 1 deal.

  11. Bonus: Pomegranate: I just love this fruit, so it’s my bonus tip. Pomegranates have beneficial compounds that inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Hopefully, this helps give you ideas on the foods you should be regularly incorporating into your diet in whatever way you can.

Some of these can be combined within one meal, making it super easy to have a variety in your diet.

If you are needing help on what exactly you should be eating for your Gastroparesis, make sure you download the Free 3-day Gastroparesis Healing Guide.

Until next time,

Keep it Fresh. Keep it Simple. Keep it Real.

Love, Aubrey