The Cost of Not Trying

Today, we are getting a little raw, real and a little controversial. It's eye-opening and lengthy.

You're probably here because you are trying anything and everything you can to help your

Gastroparesis, right?

You've done all of the

  • tests

  • medications

  • diets from doctors

  • binging and starving

  • surgeries

  • all of the random suggestions from family & friends

& so much more. And none of those ways have done much for you.

So, you just think, nothing will help, right? I give up. I'm doomed to live like this.

Why would working with someone else even be worth it? And you're probably thinking, I can't afford to try something else.

Sure, insurance might have helped cover a lot of that stuff before, but here we are, still looking for another way.

The Cost of Not Trying

Well, the cost to not try another way is MUCH more expensive.

I got curious on what the cost is over 1 year and then over 50 years of doing all the things currently recommended for Gastroparesis and WHOA.

I. Am. Shook.

I calculated the average cost of:

  • medications

  • procedures

  • tests

  • doctors visits

  • fad diets tried

  • prescribed protein drinks

  • supplements that didn't work

  • wasted food

  • possible depression/anxiety medications

  • work missed/out of work

  • a few nights stay in the hospital

  • ER visits

And in 1 year, you could spend around


For 50 years of all of these things, plus including any of the risky surgeries, you could spend around

$5.35 MILLION dollars.

For reference, I researched average cost of these things & where I could consider insurance coverage, I did. However, some things I couldn't find that info on. And of course, not everyone will try or need all of those things, but the number only changes slightly.

And none of those costs included

  • missed family/friend time

  • emotional distress

  • the countless years you waste trying other things and staying in the same place

It makes me sick thinking of how much money my parents and I spent trying many of these options. And all of that got me nowhere.

How does that make you feel? How does knowing the possibility of money totally wasted to be in the same spot a year or 50 years from now feel? Not only money, but your mental, physical and emotional health?

It makes me feel sick for you. There's nothing I would want less for you.

It wasn't until I invested in juicing, nutritional therapy and trying the methods I did that I saw any progress and stopped wasting money on things that didn't work and made me worse.

Then again, it all comes down to which path feels right for you.

If you are someone who wants to continue with the conventional medical methods, that’s totally cool.

But, if you are someone who is sick of wasting time, money and getting nowhere, then you’re in the right place.

I can help you.

Schedule your Free Consult Call and let’s talk about how to get your Gastroparesis under control!

Until next time,

Keep it Fresh. Keep it Simple. Keep it Real.
