Real Peel Juice & Nutrition

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My Gastroparesis These Days - An Update

A few years ago, I wrote a blog called Juicing Cured My Gastroparesis, and I never even imagined it would be as important as it has been in these last few years.

I wrote it to really help explain to my family & friends what I had been through in the previous years and to explain how juicing has really helped me and why I had started this juice business.

What it became was so much more than just a quick explanation.

It became a beacon of hope for so many people suffering with Gastroparesis. It became that thing that finally made them feel heard and validated in their condition. It became pretty much the only positive thing about Gastroparesis on the internet.

Finally, it became the main reason I decided to further my education and help those just like me, suffering with Gastroparesis, but finding no real help anywhere else.

And I couldn’t have been more honored and still can’t even believe the impact it has had.

So, after helping so many clients with their Gastroparesis, I decided it might be time for an update.

Is My Gastroparesis Still Cured?

Let’s start over with a quick note that I didn’t totally clarify in that previous blog. There is no technical “cure” for Gastroparesis, so I guess I can’t say that it is cured.

What I can say, though, is that I have complete and total control over my Gastroparesis.

I very rarely have pain. I have virtually no nausea, ever. I can eat pretty much whatever I want, when I want.

I am able to get out of bed, every single day. I am able to exercise freely. I am able to go to friends and family’s different gatherings and out to eat without worrying what I am going to eat.

It’s a rare moment when I have a flare, and when that does happen, I can get a hold of it really quickly and knock it out.

It feels so good to have so much control back over my health and my body after so many years of pain and suffering.

What Have I Done to Continue This Progress?

That blog was just the beginning of what I did for my Gastroparesis. Yes, juicing and smoothies took me reeeeeeallly far, but then I took it further.

Here are all of the facets I included in my healing journey:

  • Juicing

  • Smoothies

  • Broth

  • Warm Lemon Water

  • A diet that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the recommended Gastroparesis diet. (this was done as a gradual buildup, though)

  • Fixed my stomach acid production

  • Supported my liver and gallbladder

  • Acupuncture

  • Massages

  • Daily Walks

  • Increased exercise

  • Yoga that supported digestion

  • LOTS of daily sun exposure

  • Nerve Toning to help regenerate those connections in my nerves

  • Fixing my microbiome

  • Worked on keeping my blood sugar balanced

  • Worked on my mindset and shed the identity of Gastroparesis

  • Focusing on things that took my mind off my Gastroparesis totally

Yes, it sounds like A LOT, and at times, it was, but I would do it over and over and over again to have these same results and this same control over my health.

And had a doctor suggested any of these to me, that would have been a game changer, but nope, it was medications, a terrible diet and surgeries and then sorry I don’t know what else to do.

Finding a routine with it all and the right combinations took me quite a long time, but then I refined it and stayed super consisitent with it. And then, I carried that refinement into my work with clients, so that they don’t have to work so long to find relief.

What Do I Do Now?

Well, thankfully, these days I don’t have to be so strict on my body to feel good. My body has fallen into a healthy rhythm thanks to all of that work I put in.

On a regular basis:

  • Lemon water

  • Walks

  • Juice

  • Smoothies

  • Broth

  • A diet that is full of nutrient dense, whole foods and very minimally processed.

  • Lots of daily sun exposure

  • Exercise

If I find myself in a weird state or going into a flare, I still implement all of the above,but I add in:

  • Nerve toning

  • Acupuncture

  • If needed, going full liquid diet for a few days

  • Up my stomach acid production

Then I utilize the Gastroparesis Flare Kit over and over, until it fades away.

These days, that usually is only a day or two when it does actually happen.

What Have I Been Up To?

Since my life no longer revolves around my Gastroparesis, I have gotten back to my old self.

I’ve gone on vacations.

I love hanging out with my husband, making us delicious meals and not worrying about how I will feel.

I work full time, with no more stomach interruptions.

I have focused my practice on helping those with Gastroparesis.

I have had 2 pregnancies and 2 beautiful baby boys with no complications from my Gastroparesis.

I am fortunate enough to stay at home with him and still work and still help clients.

I’ve gotten back into baking and really enjoying it.

I’m doing almost all of the things I loved to do before I got so sick. Some things I just don’t have the time for right now, but that’s okay, it’s all part of the phase of life I am in.

So, to wrap it all up I am going to speak in final terms

YES, my Gastroparesis is still “cured” and I am so thankful for it.

But while it’s easy to see me at this phase and find it hard to imagine me so sick, you have to remember that I was right where you are and I just decided enough was enough. I took action that was against all of the recommended actions and it paid off, over and over again.

And I want to help you get to this phase. Where people can’t even imagine you being sick.

It starts with downloading the free 3-day Guide.

Grab this guide and work through it.

If you have already done that or you do get through it, then I would love to continue helping you along your Gastroparesis journey.

We can work together 1-on-1 to help you get to this point in your health and life.

My goal truly is to one day see that there are more of you that feel like me and that you can get back to thriving in your life.

Until next time,
