Real Peel Juice & Nutrition

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What is a GI Map & How Do We Use It

You might have heard about a GI Map from your doctor, maybe listening to other practitioners or just doing some searching on ways to find out what’s going on with your stomach.

Well, the GI-MAP is a great resource to be able to take a more in-depth look at what the landscape of your gut is doing.

What is a GI-MAP?

We have talked before about how roughly 70% of your immune system is in your gut and how creating a balanced microbiome is important to that gut health.

So, how do we find out how to balance that microbiome? Well, enter the GI-MAP.

The GI-MAP is the latest DNA-based stool test utilized by functional medicine practitioners (Hi that’s me). It provides actionable test results that lead to a treatment plan tailored to address your health and chronic conditions.

The GI-MAP helps assess specific microbes that may disturb your microbiome and trigger
digestive and gastrointestinal issues andor other chronic health conditions.
It is incredibly safe and easy and it only requires one stool sample per test.

Is the GI-MAP the right test for you?

GI Issues (Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea)
• IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
• IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
• Bacterial/Parasitic Infections
• Anxiety
• Depression, Stress
• Weight Management & Obesity
• Diabetes
• Allergies
• Auto-Immune Disorders
• Hormonal Issue
• Brain Fog
• Other Chronic Health Issues

Now, I am going to provide one barrier here. GASTROPARESIS.

I do run GI-MAPs on my Gastroparesis clients, but only under certain circumstances.

  1. They sign up to work together for 6 months. The reason for that is a GI-MAP protocol is really best done in a 3 month time period. I prefer to get started on your Gastroparesis first and then midway through, we can do the GI-MAP test and protocols that go with that.

  2. We have to set the foundations of your Gastroparesis healing first and make sure you are tolerating more foods and actually able to absorb.

  3. A GI-MAP protocol can be harsh on the body. There can be lots of supplements, detoxing and excreting of waste and I want to make sure you are in a position to handle that.

Now, for those who sign up for 6 months, we usually run the first test around 2.5 months. This allows us plenty of time to get through the initial part of the Thrive with Gastroparesis Program and get momentum. Then, around month 3 we can start the protocol.

What if you don’t have Gastroparesis, but you fall under any one of the conditions/symptoms above?

Good news! There are no barriers to getting started.

We will start our work together with this test and create the protocol around the findings. We will adjust the nutritional needs to it and you would be able to run the 3-month protocol.

We also always do a retest in the end of the protocol to check for improvements and differences.

Those who choose the route of a program with a GI-MAP see SO MUCH improvement. Not only in their Gastroparesis or digestion issues, but their overall health.

  • Better Energy

  • Less Brain Fog

  • Reduced Inflammation

  • Ability to Digest even more efficiently

  • And a general feeling of clarity, happiness and overall lightness

Testing, finding the root cause of your health issues and tackling them head on is such a powerful tool. And it will get you so much further than continually trying fad diets, medications or just “putting a bandaid” on your symptoms.

Do you have any questions for me about a GI-MAP?

Would you like to know if it’s a good option for you?

Let’s chat about it!

Send me an email to and we will talk it over.

Until next time,

Keep it Fresh. Keep it Simple. Keep it Real.
