Real Peel Juice & Nutrition

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10 Myths About Working with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

There are lots of questions and myths that surround working with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (me).

And so, I thought it would be a good idea to round up the most common ones I get and lay them out for you. Maybe you have had the same thoughts.

10 Myths People Have About Nutritional Therapy

  1. I’m going to make you eat salads only

    This one is always a top one. The straight line of thought is once you decide to eat healthy, it’s only salad for the rest of time. This is 100% false. I like a good salad but I don’t eat them often myself.

  2. You’re going to give up everything for the rest of your life

    This would be so unsustainable and honestly, “giving up” everything often causes patterns of binging, and we want to avoid that. Instead, we learn how to moderate and incorporate the things you love the most.

  3. It’s going to be all liquids for the rest of your life

    For my Gastroparesis clients, this is a scary thought they have, and I totally understand why. But my main focus when working together is to get you off liquids and move on to solids and just normal ways of eating.

  4. You’re going to have to take hundreds of supplements

    I know this does happen with some practitioners, but not me. I am of the mind to always try without supplements and then IF we need them, we keep them very minimal and temporary. Supplements are meant to be a temporary help, not a long-term part of your life.

  5. We are going to do a lot of “woo-woo” stuff

    This varies for everyone, but no, I keep things pretty sciency around here. The closest we get to “woo-woo” is some really necessary mindset work.

  6. You’ll have to workout incessantly

    You can’t outwork a bad diet and exercising constantly is not going to do you much good if your body isn’t in a healthy space. I always encouragement movement, but that can be walking, stretching, shoot even just daily cleaning around the house. Movement is essential for good digestion, but working out constantly is not the answer.

  7. Healthy eating is super expensive

    It doesn’t have to be. I create meal plans that are meant for leftovers and can be made in bigger batches for later. When you don’t have all of the weird, “healthy processed foods” it’s way less expensive. Simple fruits, veggies and meat with some grains thrown in goes a long way on the budget. Not only that, but with each client, we discuss if that’s a major consideration for you and I customize to your needs.

  8. I’m going to judge you for your eating choices or lifestyle

    I am no one to judge you. I am not a perfect person, nor do I want to be. Do I eat junk food? Duh. Do I skip workouts? Duh. Do I sometimes spend an entire day on the couch just relaxing? Well, not so much anymore but that’s because I have a rambunctious toddler who won’t let me hahaha All that to say, I don’t judge you, but I will encourage you to set up beneficial lifestyle choices.

  9. I will expect perfection out of you

    NOPE. Again, I am not perfect, nor do I expect you to be. I always tell my clients that it’s about progress, not perfection. As long as you are trying, I am happy.

  10. You will be magically healed after just a few weeks

    This would be a silly thought for anyone, but oftentimes clients assume that as soon as we start, they should be feeling better. I try to remind them that, you didn’t get sick in a week, you aren’t going to get better in a week, or whatever timeframe the expectation is. However, what they can expect is to gradually see improvements and sometimes, those move faster for some. And at the end of our time together, they will have all of the tools to continue being consistent and making improvements.

    Yes, sometimes after the 3 or 6 months together, they feel almost fully better and that’s amazing. Just remember, everyone responds differently and our bodies take different paces.

If you’ve ever had any of these thoughts, hopefully that helped you get some answers to your questions.

Nutritional Therapy is definitely not a one-sized fits all approach, but one thing remains true, it can be for everyone as long as you have a practitioner who is willing to customize your programs to you.

That is the exact approach I use with my clients. It’s custom to you and the whole goal is to improve your life and health, not for you to fit into mine.

If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you, follow the link below that fits your needs.

Suffer from Gastroparesis and would like some help? Click here

Have other ailments and aren’t sure if Nutritional Therapy is right for you? Click here

Until next time,

Keep it Fresh. Keep it Simple. Keep it Real.
